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***LCC Gmail Transition - Message To All LCC Employees***
Last Updated about a month ago

From: Wallis, DavidThu, Dec 19, 2024 at 4:25 PM
To: "LCC.Employees"

IMPORTANT message from LCC IT


ALL LCC employees


LCC is transitioning from Microsoft Outlook email services to Google Gmail services. This includes calendars. After this transition, Microsoft Outlook email and calendar will no longer function. At least one year of historical emails will be available in Gmail. If you need access to older emails in Gmail, please submit an IT ticket and IT will begin backfilling these emails in Q1 of 2025.


Many LCC employees have already transitioned to Gmail. The remaining faculty, staff, and student employees will be transitioned during the efficiency closure (December 23-27, 2024).


  1. Make sure you have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) set up on your LCC Google account. This was required to be completed by June 1, 2024 (see information here). If you have not done this, call the IT Help Desk at 360-442-2250.
  2. Begin using Gmail for sending and receiving emails with your LCC work Gmail account after the efficiency closure.
    1. Your account login name should be your email address (usually the first letter of first name, then last name,
    2. Your password is the same password you currently use to log in to your email or your LCC computer.
  3. Use Google calendar for all scheduling purposes.
  4. Review training and how-to materials. You may also stop by eLearning (LIB 135) or the Business Achievement Center – BAC (AAR 109) for a focused 30-min 1:1 training session during their business hours. No appointment required.


The Microsoft Exchange server that runs LCC’s Outlook email and calendar is failing and the installed software version is going out of support. The errors are not repairable, and recreating the full Microsoft Exchange environment is untenable at this juncture. The Gmail transition avoids catastrophic losses to our email data should the Exchange server fail.

Additional notes:

Things will not look or function the same in Google as they did in Outlook. IT may need to provide additional transition work if you have issues with email or calendar items. After you have reviewed the training materials and/or met with eLearning/BAC for training, please contact the IT help Desk (360-442-2250, or ext. 2250 on campus phones) or submit an IT ticket for further assistance.

This necessary technology move is an overall positive investment for LCC. The Google platform opens up many opportunities for growing technology collaborations, integrations, and ubiquitous access. IT appreciates your continued support and partnership in this transition.

Keywords: 2-step, 2 step, 2-step verification, 2 step verification, 2-step authentication, 2 step authentication, verification, multifactor, multi factor, multifactor verification, multi factor verification, multifactor authentication, multi factor authentication, 2-factor, two-factor, two factor, 2-factor verification, two-factor verification, two factor verification, 2-factor authentication, two-factor authentication, two factor authentication, authentication, mfa, 2fa, email, e-mail, gmail, g-mail, outlook, web mail, webmail, web email

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