Frequently Asked Question

What is Account Maintenance Mode?
Last Updated 5 years ago

You may have received an email with the following message:

"Your account [...] has been placed in Maintenance Mode. Password and Profile changes not available."

and are wondering exactly what Maintenance Mode is and what this message means.

When the IT Services (ITS) department needs to perform work which requires your Account Credentials (username and password), and the technician needs to perform actions without you present, the ITS staff can put your account in Maintenance Mode. There are two types of Maintenance Mode:
  1. Maintenance Mode: Your LCC network account is temporarily unavailable
  2. Maintenance Mode With Google: Both your LCC network account and your Google Workspace account are unavailable
When your account is in Maintenance Mode:
  • A temporary password is assigned to your account.
  • Your password will not work during this time, and the ability to change passwords is also unavailable.
  • Once the work has been completed, your account should be removed from Maintenance Mode and your password will be restored.
  • A log is kept from the time your account is placed in Maintenance Mode until it is removed, including the people who made the changes.

Keywords: LCC Information Directory (LID)
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